Solid State Analytics - Festkörperanalytik

solid state analytics gives you the opportunity to have solids of different types examined.


We analyze the data on your materials with the highest scientific standard for you.


We support you competently in questions of X-ray diffraction, be it in phase identification, phase analysis and polymorphism determination, and, in the quantification of amorphous scattering fractions by Rietveld or the evaluation with the help of the total scattering function by means of PDF refinements (pair distribution functions).


We help with complex problems.

For example, you have problems with your materials, raw materials, manufacturing processes or competitors. We’re always trying to solve these problems by identifying, having carried out and evaluating the appropriate analytical methods to solve them.


We support you in the following investigation procedures:

>  X-ray diffraction with the help of standard Labordiffraktometers and with synchrotron and neutron radiation via direct measurement orders or application procedures. These are also accessible temperature depending.

>  spectroscopy in the field of infrared (FIR, MIR, NIR), Raman and UV/Vis spectroscopy. These are also accessible temperature depending.

>  further Analysis: We are happy to check further analyses and ideas for feasibility and expected results.

We can carry out selected measurements in cooperation on instruments of the Solid State Chemistry Group (CKfS) at the University of Bremen or commission and control them for you at other measuring facilities.